I wished very much to help her let go of her feelings of
anger and discouragement. I gave her a long hug and asked her if she’d like to
do some EFT with me. Initially she hesitated, I explained to her tapping will
help her to release frustration, fear, and it will amplify her self-love. I
told her that the added stress she’s putting on herself will not help her lose any
weight. I explained to her the ability to love herself with “an extra 20 lbs” will
help to alleviate her stress, it will bring balance and peace within, and it will
allow her to relax enough to let go of any excess weight. After about 20
minutes of tapping she had stopped crying, she told me she felt more hopeful,
and she had a beautiful smile on her face.
Stress is the main cause of weight gain. Stress starts in
the amygdala, whenever this part of our brain senses stress (which it sees as
"danger"), it starts initiating our body’s stress response. That “fight or flight”
response becomes activated and begins to over produce cortisol. Extra cortisol
allows us to run away from impending danger, or to have enough energy to
stay and fight. Too much cortisol in your system leads to increased appetite
and a bigger belly. Your body produces cortisol each time you feel angry, or
afraid, or guilty. This is why it’s so important to let go of your stress and
built up emotions within your body. The best way I’ve found is through EFT therapy aka tapping. My
latest tapping video (below) was created to help you start losing weight and
loving your body.
EFT which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique is a truly
simple and powerful mind-body technique that I use on myself and with clients.
Tapping stops this “fight or flight” response and it lowers cortisol levels in
your body. This works helps eliminate work stress, food cravings, and any type
of anxiety or fear you’re experiencing. I know you’ve experienced those stinkin’
cravings for donuts and Ben & Jerry’s…I love Ben & Jerry’s!! EFT stops
those cravings, it gives you an opportunity to pause and consider of you really
need to eat the whole box of cookies…or if you need to eat even one cookie. It
is the best stress management and weight loss tool I’ve ever come across. Visit my website for more energy boosting and love enhancing tips!
As always, keep tapping and energizing! Lots of hugs~