Carrying on with my old/new gratitude practice is
proving to be challenging. Sometimes I let life knock me out of my flow. My
little guy has been sick since Sunday, and he’s finally better today…hamdillah
(that’s Arabic for thank God)! He’s such a little trooper, he has been smiling
and giggling at things he finds funny even while feeling terrible. Today in
addition to enjoying lots of cuddles, he had enough energy and enthusiasm to
dance along to “If Your Happy and You Know It.” The past few days have been spent in total
mama-nurse-care-giver mode. I was finding myself waking totally confused, discovering
it wasn’t quite 6 am yet. I’ve been letting worry over my baby and sheer
crankiness completely override my practice.
Something very sweet happened while giving Adam his
bath last night. I was getting him undressed, kneeling in the floor before him and
saying “raise your arms” in Arabic…no idea how to spell that but sounds something
like “all-ee-ah-dake.” I’d taken off his shirt when Adam
began wrapping his little arms around my middle. I wrapped my arms around him, and we stayed like that for a while. My heart was so happy in this moment. The
love and thankfulness was flowing throughout my body. I’m certain you know this
feeling, you must have a person, pet, garden, or something you love this much.
Whenever you forget how lucky you are picture them, and this one step starts
bringing you right back into alignment.
Yes, sometimes it feels like life is throwing things
right at our face. Certain days feel crappy. I get it. This is when you try the
technique above, calling in the love. If that isn’t working out, then you need
to start calling in reinforcements. I’ve found some really lovely people on
YouTube that are helping. These gratitude gurus have several neat techniques
and tips. Check out one of Karen’s #ChoosingGratitude videos:
I am also sharing with you my latest gratitude
chant/EFT script. I was sitting in the car after returning from grocery
shopping, and I felt a massive wave of thankfulness.
Gratitude Script:
grateful for you
I’m grateful for me
I’m grateful for him
For her
For them
I’m grateful for us
For this breath
I’m beyond thankful for this life
I remember that day, so grateful for it
I’m grateful for the next day like it…or an even better day
I’m grateful for the experience, the memory
I’m thankful to have so many happy memories
I’m thankful to be here
Thank you God for this life! Thank you Universe!
Grateful for this body
For a heart that’s beating
For all these moments
Thank you for his little arms wrapping around my neck
For his sweet head on my chest
Thank you for being my baby and letting me love you
Thank you God for letting me be here
Thank you Universe for all these experiences
Thank you angels for watching over him, and over us!
I’m grateful for me
I’m grateful for him
For her
For them
I’m grateful for us
For this breath
I’m beyond thankful for this life
I remember that day, so grateful for it
I’m grateful for the next day like it…or an even better day
I’m grateful for the experience, the memory
I’m thankful to have so many happy memories
I’m thankful to be here
Thank you God for this life! Thank you Universe!
Grateful for this body
For a heart that’s beating
For all these moments
Thank you for his little arms wrapping around my neck
For his sweet head on my chest
Thank you for being my baby and letting me love you
Thank you God for letting me be here
Thank you Universe for all these experiences
Thank you angels for watching over him, and over us!
Thank you for practicing gratitude!! I shared with you previously about my mom’s situation, I’m continuing to raise money for her. Please donate, share her page, or share this blog. Gotta keep the good energy flowing.
Get Mom a Home Link:
I'm dedicating this blog to my new friend Marty, thanks for being so kind. I'm also dedicating this to my brother, thanks for encouraging me.
Until next time, wishing you joy, peace, love, and a whole lotta gratitude!
Until next time, wishing you joy, peace, love, and a whole lotta gratitude!